How to Shop for Magnetic Therapy Products

How to Shop for Magnetic Therapy Products

With so many over-the-counter and prescription drugs causing adverse reactions, many people are looking toward natural remedies and cures for everything from headaches to foot pain to constipation. Magnetic therapy is one of several alternatives that may offer relief from these conditions with little chance of side effects. Magnets are believed to increase the circulation of blood, which result in healing and pain relief. This, of course, has caused a demand for magnetic therapy products, but caution must be exercised in order for consumers to get quality products.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Shop Smart for Magnetic Products


Select magnets with sufficient strength. It is thought that the most effective magnets are between 500 and 15,000 gauss. The deeper the injury or condition, the higher the strength should be. Consult a book to learn the appropriate size and strength for your condition (see Resources below).


Choose smaller, self-adhesive magnets for localized pain, such as headaches and sprains.


Opt for larger, more powerful magnets when you are trying to influence the flow of energy throughout the entire body.


Decide on a magnetic wrist bracelet if you are trying to control nausea, or have aches and pains in the hands, wrists and forearms.


Buy magnetic insoles for your shoes. These products are thought to treat various conditions, as they are modeled on the same principles as reflexology.


Go for magnetic mattresses and pillows, which are said to aid relaxation and increased circulation of the blood while you sleep.


Look for products that have both magnetic and thermal (warming) properties. When heat and magnets are used together, you may expect better results.

Tips & Warnings

Purchase magnetic therapy products from a reputable shop. Since magnets are often sold as part of multi-level schemes, you must be certain that the seller really understands magnetic therapy and that you are getting what you pay for.

Good quality magnetic products can range in price from inexpensive to very expensive, depending on the strength and size. When you shop for magnets, make sure you can get a money-back guarantee in case you are dissatisfied with your purchase.

Never use magnets if you have a pacemaker, defibrillator or insulin pump.

Never use magnets if you have internal or external bleeding, or if you have newly broken bones or torn ligaments. Once there is a certainty that there is no bleeding around the bone or ligament, magnetic therapy may be safely used.

Seek a professional magnetic therapist or holistic practitioner if you need to use extremely powerful magnets, since they can be dangerous in the hands of a novice.

If you suffer ill effects or skin rashes, see a doctor.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.